Tribhuvan University
Faculty of Humanity and Social Sciences
Masters Degree in Sociology
Course Title: Structural Functional Perspective
Code no.: So. 563
Code no.: So. 563
Semester: 1st Semester
Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as far as practicable.
Group 'A'
2*10 = 20
Answers any TWO
1. Explain how Gopal Singh Nepali looks Newar Caste System from the vantage points of structural functionalism.
2. Discuss Talcott Parsons' Structural Functionalism with reference to his general theory of social action.
3. Describe structural functional perspective with its defining features.
2. Discuss Talcott Parsons' Structural Functionalism with reference to his general theory of social action.
3. Describe structural functional perspective with its defining features.
Group 'B'
8*5 = 40
4. How religion is a great binding force and a mechanism of social control?
5. Critically view Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moor's thesis of stratification.
6. Describe the concept of deviance.
7. Write Marxist Criticism of Structural Functionalism.
8. Discuss on Dor Bahadur Bista's process of Nepalization.
9. How does Emile Durkheim analyze suicide in non-reductionist way?
10. What are the most important five functional prerequisites of a society?
11. Niklas Luhmann views that social system is not like a solar system. Justify this statement.
12. Discuss on Youba Raj Luital's Bhramansheel Raute from structural functional perspective.
13. Give an account of functional analysis as conservative ideology.
----- TU MA SOCIOLOGY -----
TU MA Sociology First Semester
| Model Question - 2014 |
So. 563 : Structural Functional Perspective
So. 563 : Structural Functional Perspective
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