Tribhuvan University
Faculty of Humanity and Social Sciences
Masters Degree in Sociology
Course Title: Structural Functional Perspective
Code no.: So. 563
Code no.: So. 563
Semester: 1st Semester
Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as far as practicable.
Group 'A'
2*15 = 30
Answers any TWO
1. Discuss on the Parson's approach to the equilibrium in the social system.
2. Discuss historical development of structural functionalism and some critiques of this perspective by Jonathan H Turner.
3. Discuss the Family as an instution of Newars from a sturctural functional approach.
2. Discuss historical development of structural functionalism and some critiques of this perspective by Jonathan H Turner.
3. Discuss the Family as an instution of Newars from a sturctural functional approach.
Group 'B'
10*3 = 30
4. How Luhmann's functionalism describes the modern society?
5. What are the main features of the process of Nepalization according to Dor Bahadur Bista?
6. How Emile Durkheim analyzes the punishment as cause and function in society?
7. Discuss the Merton's concept of Manifest and Latent functions.
8. 'Religion is an important mechanism for social cohesion and control.' Discuss.
----- TU MA SOCIOLOGY -----
TU MA Sociology First Semester
| Model Question - 2015 |
So. 563 : Structural Functional Perspective
So. 563 : Structural Functional Perspective
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